shepherds discipleship for the well

Be discipled. make disciples.

In ancient Israel and today throughout the world, shepherds work day in and day out to protect and care for their sheep. The Bible tells us stories of shepherds fighting lions and chasing after the lost sheep. Why? Because it is the shepherds’ calling to see these sheep thrive and fulfill their purpose. Jesus has called us to make disciples, teaching and sending them out. In fact, Jesus himself is called “The Good Shepherd” in whom Israel has been longing and anticipating. If you are anything like me, I too long to be cared for and equipped to fulfill my calling.

This workbook is a tool to help you fulfill your calling to be discipled and to raise up disciples of Jesus.

If you are holding this workbook, I believe you have a desire to love God and love people. I believe you genuinely desire for God to do a move in you so he can do a move through you.  I also believe you want to invest in people so they too can experience the power and peace of God.

As you will learn, we are better together and this Shepherd's Handbook is no different. Whether you are discipling or being discipled, it is imperative that you participate with this tool in relational context.

I have prayed over this material but more importantly, I am praying for you as you adventure into all that God has for you.

You Are Loved.
